Sorry for disappearing for so long, I have been (and still am) very busy with two major things : 1) my new job and 2) preparing a play with my drama class.....
My job is going great : interesting business (builders merchants), challenging projects, friendly coworkers, nice office, and a busy schedule !
I was a bit nervous on my first day (ok, yes, I was
very nervous!) but there really was nothing to worry about, in fact my boss and our assistant had prepared a complete "planning d'intégration" - meetings with all the different services, trainings, and so on - and everyone made me feel welcome.
This week I've been to London for 3 days - but I also was really busy... I didn't have any freetime to visit anything... but hopefully I managed to buy tea and ginger nuts in a tesco express at 11:00 PM ;-)
Now I really feel like going back for a weekend and I will have time to walk around and have a great time in London ! I just love this city ;-)
As I mentionned earlier, I am in a theater evening class and we are preparing a play for 7th June - which is really soon actually ! So I'm actually trying to devote my freetime to reading the text again and again, and trying to learn it.. Not so easy !
We are going to play "Huit Femmes" by Robert Thomas - the play is not famous but
the movie is in France. It was directed by François Ozon and released in 2002, starring 8 famous and talented French actresses.
Apparently the movie was released in the UK too. My part will be Gaby !
I am really happy about this project !
I'll try and come visit all your blogs as soon as possible !
Now I'm really feeling sleepy so have a great weekend and I'll read you soon !