A couple of weeks ago, as I was going to work, I picked up the Metro (free newspaper) in the tube station. I was browsing the newspaper when I hit upon this photo :
Weird, isn’t it ? First, the glasses are strange. Kinda like a swim mask to go scuba diving…or a welding mask… Modern design, but not fashionable to me !
This guy is the mayor of my town. He’s called Andre Santini. He’s a personage : jaunty, and megalomaniac, he even wrote a Corsican jokes book. I have no idea what Corsican jokes are like.... ?
But the oddest is… the baby doll ! I mean.. why ?
And the title of the newspaper column was A.N.A.T.O.L.E.
What does that mean ?
Apparently the Metro publishes this column daily – so everyday there is a new “famous” person photographed with the baby doll…
At lunchtime yesterday, a colleague started talking about this column. She had found it so bizarre and meaningless that she had written an email to the photograph asking her why she was photographing people with the same baby doll and if it had a particular meaning.
The answer she got was like : “I’m an artist. I have no explanation to give to you, this is art.”
So she wrote back to say : “But why did you happen to choose a baby doll ? Baby dolls are ugly!” And the photographer responded : “You’re just a “petite bourgeoise” who does not appreciate art.”
I think she copied the idea from the movie "Amélie Poulain" - she gives a garden dwarf to her friend stewardess to travel with her and send pictures of the garden dwarf all around the world to her Dad...
So yesterday afternoon I surfed on the website of the photographer and …. WOW this is really weird. Here is the worst of what I found there :If you're curious, here's the website : http://www.katyalegendre.com/accueil.html