August 01, 2006

One hour in the life of Gaby

I didn't particularly want to share these pictures, but my boyfriend did put them on his "family blog", so let's just post them !

They are pictures of our fabulous and unique (believe me!) interpretation of the play "8 Femmes" in front of a real audience (!!) one wednesday night in June...

The scene takes place in the 1950's and my part was Gaby (Catherine Deneuve, at the top, in the middle on the movie poster picture)... I'm supposed to be a bourgeoise in her 50's... always smoking a cigarette !

Rehearsing was really great fun and so was that night, even if we did forget a couple of lines (okay - more than a couple !)
Of course it was not perfect, we are just amateur actors and did not have much time to learn the text by heart... so we did improvise a lot !
but the important thing is : we enjoyed it and so did the audience !!!

PS : no comment about the dress.. it was fashionable in the 1950's !!